Before I sign off completely for 2006 there are a few more lovely Christmas parcels that have winged their way to my door. They deserve a special post of their own! I think that in the craziness of the season and between our travels away to my folks house for Christmas I overlooked emailing out thanks to each of you for these lovely thoughtful seasons greetings.
I'm very sorry that I didn't send you a big thanks at the time - It was unforgivably rude of me!! But please know that your goodies added many smiles to my festive season and added bling for to chrissy tree! I know the excuse "life gets in the way some times" is being used extensively here at Casa Stripey so hang in there and I'm sure I will be MUCH MORE ORGANISED in the New Year. (Doesn't everyone say that??)
Thankyou Rox for the very clever Christmas fridge magnet (below). What a simple effective idea! You are a clever chick!!
Thank you Donna for the Polar bear Chrissy card - yep even tho it was so tiny (and cute!!) it did make it through the post.
Thank you Adele aka Piglottie for your MOST STUNNING hand made Christmas Card. I do believe you make the most stunning cards I've ever seen!! Displaying it with the pile of chrissy cards was a treat! You can't tell in the photo below but it's huge - about twice the size of a normal card and it's such lovely paper. I was really touched when I opened the envelope Adele - you went to so much trouble and it's just lovely.Thank you Jae for the card and great needle holder case (below). I've already got it filled!!
Thank you Cindy for the hand made tree ornament (below). I love Christmas trees!! I love ornaments and I just adore hand made ornaments even more!!
Thank you Jade for the wonderful felt ornament (below). The mittens on the heart were so cute! As you can see it went straight on the tree. I don't know how you find the time to be so organised Jade!!
Thank you Tianne for your excellent crochet stocking (below)- what a perfect little Christmas decoration! Just the right size for a packet of lifesavers. I think you need a new nickname Tianne - how about 'flying fingers'?? You get so much done!!
Have a great New Year's Eve See you in 2007!!
xxxx Stripey