Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I did some spinning this week and I'm off to 'Every Second Tuesday' spinning group in about an hour so it's apt that I have some spinning to show. It's a lovely olive merino 'shot' with undyed silk. The reason I say shot is that it has huge strips of silk running through it not all carded in finely. It looks great - you know kind of like boysenberry ripple ice cream but the wrong colours... Then I plied it with a really thin sewing thread weight white cotton that is one of my spinning guru Kerry's cone cast offs. Here's a close up:

I am the world's slowest spinner. Really!! I'm sure I began this several months ago. That's what happens when you have two spinning wheels. One gets a 'slow project' on it and the other gets flash in the pan stuff that goes on and off quickly - Anyway this is really a 'slow project' and even though it seems like I've been spinning forever I still have about half the bag of sliver left to go....... what did I tell you... I am the world's slowest spinner!! I think I began with 300grams or thereabouts and I still seem to have the same amount to go!!

Any way here's a shot from the beginning - well all plied up and being wound onto the niddy noddy, then look its balanced - I promise - Then before washing - I really liked it at that stage it was all smooth and kind of stiff like silk can be then I washed it and all the merino bloomed bigtime andn it went all soft and floppy. Look at that FAT skein in the bottom right corner.

I still like it but not as much - now what to knit with it......????? And will I ever manage to get back and do the rest?? Should I take it along to spinning with me and just bloody get on with it?? Or should I start somehing new?? The endless question..