Saturday, July 30, 2005

Is there anything else more important!!

Well yes there is - but not right now.

Less than an hour after I get home from SnB I'm posting about what a FAB time we had. Wollongong Stitch n Bitch was lucky enough to have exhalted blogworld visitors Jussi andDonna joined us all the way from the big smoke - good on you grrls it was just great to put a face to the blog and see your projects 'in the fibre' so to speak!! I'm excited becuase I can add more names to my links bar - people I have knit with. There were over 30 knitters with quite a few newcomers. I have to say I just love it. I love seeing what everyone is doing!!

Cant resist putting up the pic (sorry Donna its not the greatest but maybe someonelses is better??)