Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Buying not Blogging

You might have noticed that there hasn't been too much action on the blogging front chez stripey. It's not that I've had nothing to blog about. Actually it's the other way around. I've got so much to blog about that I don't know where to begin. I have been knitting but it's only boring stuff so there's no photos of that for now for now. But the new garden is so demanding!

However, I seem to have put a fair bit of my blogging energy into buying stuff....Books and other stuff....Which is worse I wonder? The spending up big or the time burning blogging??

Here's a few Jo Sharp books that I've had my eye on and a Debbie Abrahams book that had to come home from a shop near me that is closing down. Donna gave me a birthday Gift Voucher at Yarns Online and I sold a few things at the Berry Spinners and Weavers exhibition so I put all those $ towards the two Barbara Walker beauties. Oh what Fun they are to look through!! The daffodils popped up in the new garden (months ago) and look - a curious child armed with scissors found a ball of yarn. There's a first time for everything....grrrr....

Then there was that small purchase from The Book Depository way back in June. Cables Untangled and Inspired Cable Knits. I absolutely LOOOVE Cables Untangled. The other one is still good but just not as great as Cables Untangled.

Then I went to a newsagent looking for Vogue Knitting - I was on the hunt for the 25th Anniversary Issue and look what I came out with......Jo Sharp's latest and Interweave Felt as well as the Vogue.

The lovely Meaghan at Yarns Online recently had a book sale and before you could say "Haven't you bought enough books lately?" These three Vogue Stitchionaries (below) were in the shopping cart and so was the Victorian Lace Today. I did plan to give it as a gift but I think it's going to have to stay with me for now!

Spin to Knit came to me via my Berry Spinners and Weaver's book enabler! And embroidery even gets a look in -in my spending spree. So many books so little time to read them!

BUT IT DOESN"T STOP THERE. Last week I bought the BEST SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD! It was SUCH a splurge. But you know it was a lifetime investment .....justify yada yada justify...... So can't stay typing gotta go sew!

I'm hoping I can get my blogging act together more regularly. But in the mean time we are all well and very very happy here chez stripey. Stay tuned for updates on:

Spinners and Weavers
My drop spindle mania
New felting projects
new dying stuff
Noah's Ark
the vege patch
the chook shed,
the weeds!
new 'dress-up' sewing projects
my new quilting class
the BEST free motion sewing I've ever done
my struggle with getting to snb
christmas embroidery
the never ending one skein wonder train
and much much more.......

See I told you it was too much to blog about....
